Seagate Stock: Worth Financial Investment At 9.5% FCF In A Cyclical Swing (NASDAQ: STX)

Hard Drive Maker Seagate Announces Its Cutting 3,000 Jobs

Justin Sullivan

Seagate Innovation ( NASDAQ: STX) has actually when again captured my attention as the business financials and evaluation are struggling with a drop in the memory storage market. Seagate has actually seen its share cost reduction around 27.5% from 52-week highs even

Seagate is Profitable but Cyclical - April 2023

Put together from Seagate financials

Free Cash Flow Analysis at Seagate - April 2023

Put together from Business financials

Dividend Coverage for Seagate - April 2023

Put together from Business financials

Leverage and Shares Outstanding for Seagate - April 2023

Put together from Business financials

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