How Integrating Security Platforms With Building Management Systems Reduce Energy Consumption

The US ranked 24th on the environmental performance ranking list. To reduce nationwide energy consumption, businesses need to develop building management strategies that help to improve their carbon footprint.

Are you looking to reduce your business’s energy expenditure and carbon footprint?

Keep reading as we discuss why integrating security platforms with building management systems can reduce energy consumption.

Space Utilization And Optimization

If you want to improve how your business uses energy, you can integrate security platforms to detect how many people are using your spaces. Occupancy management software is a handy tool for your mission to reduce your carbon footprint and cultivate more energy efficiency.

Investing in a cloud-based access control system allows you to implement software integrations that expand the function of your pre-existing security structures. A cloud-based access control system has open API integrations that enable you to integrate different software and security tools, like commercial video surveillance, for a more cohesive security strategy.

Occupancy management software integrates your building’s cloud-based access control system, providing insight into daily building operations. It compiles data based on access control events (when a building user enters a room using their crucial card) to give an accurate picture of your building’s occupancy levels. Over time, with this security software, you can identify critical trends for occupancy levels in your building, gaining more insight into how you can improve the utility of your spaces.

The pandemic thrust many businesses towards exploring remote work, adopting cloud-based technologies and communication tools to make this possible. Since then, companies have been using office spaces differently – some working in the office full time, others choosing a hybrid work model to create more flexibility, offering employees the benefit of fewer commutes and more sleep.

Since many businesses work on a hybrid basis, their occupancy levels could change. If your employees are only working in the office half the time, then your office spaces could be half as occupied as they were before you implemented the hybrid work model.

Occupancy management software can help you to identify whether your need for office space has lessened since the pandemic, allowing you to make better decisions for your office structure.

If your occupancy levels are significantly lower than your office’s capacity, you might choose to downsize to reduce your energy and real estate expenditure.

Additionally, consider re-evaluating your office for your hybrid work model. There will be a lessened need for private office spaces, and an increased demand for flexible communal workspaces, promoting communication and collaboration for in-office work. By optimizing your space, you will not need to pay as much for energy and space you don’t need.

Automating HVAC With Occupancy Management

Occupancy management software doesn’t indicate when to restructure your office space. It can also integrate with your HVAC systems.

Integrating occupancy management software with your HVAC systems allows you to automate your HVAC system’s operation based on occupancy levels. You can do this in one of two ways:

  • Identifying occupancy trends and using this to inform your HVAC management – you can use trends in your occupancy levels to advise your management processes. When your building is usually busy, you can ensure the system will be set to high. You can switch your HVAC system off when your building is empty or has very few employees inside. Creating your HVAC schedule based on occupancy trends ensures less energy waste.
  • Integrating HVAC with access control and occupancy management – if you don’t wish to create schedules for your HVAC system manually, you can simply integrate the system with your access control and occupancy management software. When the building is empty, the system will switch off, and when your access control and occupancy management systems detect high occupancy volumes, your HVAC system will respond accordingly.

Building IoT Sensors

If you wish to ensure devices and lights in your building switch on and off based on occupancy levels, you can implement IoT sensors. The sensors will detect when there is an occupant in the room, keeping lights and appliances switched on. When the room is empty and no activity is detected, your IoT sensors will communicate with your IoT-connected lights and sensors to switch them off.


If you’re looking to rethink your approach to energy efficiency, you should most definitely consider the benefits of cloud-based security. Cloud-based security tools have open API integrations that allow you to integrate your security and building management systems – reducing energy waste and improving your carbon footprint. Is this the right solution for you?

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