How Hamas Specifies Cease-Fire – WSJ

Hamas has 2 messages for 2 various audiences. To the worldwide neighborhood, it advocates a cease-fire on humanitarian premises. To the Arab world, it vows to duplicate its Oct. 7 attacks and sacrifice as lots of Palestinians as it requires to damage Israel.

That was the message of Ghazi Hamad, a member of the Hamas Politburo, in an Oct. 24 interview on Lebanese tv. “We need to teach Israel a lesson,” he states, “and we will do this once again and once again. The Al Aqsa Flood”– the name Hamas provided its Oct. 7 operation to massacre unprotected Israelis–” is simply the very first time, and there will be a 2nd, a 3rd, a 4th,” he states, as equated by the Middle East Media Research Study Institute.

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