Do Not Offer Gaza to the Palestinian Authority

The Biden administration desires Israel to generate Mahmoud Abbas‘s Fatah celebration to rule Gaza when the war is over. Fatah manages the Palestinian Authority, which governs much of the West Bank. Joining Gaza and the West Bank under a typical federal government is a needed action in the Biden administration’s apparently unwavering objective of developing a Palestinian state sandwiching Israel.

The concept behind the technique has a long history. Fatah is a nonreligious, Arab nationalist celebration that periodically declares to desire peace with Israel, albeit on terms that would make Israel’s presence as a Jewish state illogical. Yet for numerous diplomats this makes it an appealing option to the terrorists who committed the Oct. 7 attacks. However Fatah is a junior-varsity variation of Hamas. Both have deadly policies when it concerns Israel. The Palestinian Authority sponsors the “pay to kill” income program that offers monetary benefits to terrorists, who get more luxurious payments for criminal offenses that lead to longer jail time. As just recently as Oct. 2, a main Palestinian Authority television broadcast revealed Mr. Abbas stating: “Our martyrs, detainees and injured are the most sanctified that we have … Our martyrs have a right to this cash.”

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